Thursday, October 31, 2013


Have you ever wanted something really bad? Convinced that that is it and you will never want anything else that, you'd put it on everything.Whether it is a spouse, a career or something as simple as a dress.

We sometimes make commitments we are sure are from God, but then something comes along to derail us form God's destiny in our lives. it is like buying one brand of chocolate then after you've paid feel maybe you should have gotten something else... 
Well, that is because gold worth keeping will have to go through fire to confirm its authenticity , any decision we make will be tested. We've all been there in one way or another. Here's a poem I wrote about that a couple of months ago after I made one of the biggest decisions in my life.  It is about commitment and having to stick to it, regardless of other offers or sidetracks which come along in life "Something blue" 

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
I know made my choice, the day I said that I do.
Something strange, something fresh, like tomorrow something new
this mind is cluttered with thoughts you?

Something else was in mind, I did not even order that shade
You saw the stale of my old, How else would you dare offer to trade?
What you present is enticing, how did you guess what i craved was that?
What is it that you possess, thieve of attention, so that pride I forget?

Maybe we can play make-believe and pretend for only a time or two
That for that moment you were mine and I belonged to you.
Or maybe steal a day off-time to test the realness
Of the chemistry that evolved from absolute nothingness.

Is there a need to be in reality?
Should I entirely let go of  fantasy
Because it would never happen for the life of me
That I could be she and you  him be.

So for me there’ll be nothing new, only blue
Because I made my choice when I said I do.

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